I decided to volunteer for The Cinnamon Trust because I had lost my own dog. I missed having a companion but I didn’t want to commit full time. So, short-term fostering sounded a great option – being able to offer a loving home to somebody’s beloved pet. (So they were reassured that their pet was safe and happy whilst apart) felt like it could be really rewarding.
Along came Hetty. From the very first moment she was dropped off she has been a gem (and stolen my heart)
We soon got into our little pattern and she has made lots of fur friends at the different parks we visit. She loves to be snuggled up to you on the sofa and quite often I have to turn up the TV because of her snoring.
We have taken pictures and when we visited the respite home her Daddy could see the adventures we have been on.
It is going to be difficult to say goodbye. But I know her Daddy is missing her and I have some fantastic memories.
It has been an amazing experience. And I look forward to welcoming another pet that needs love and cuddles.